I help men & women build their dream body and sustain their results for life.

Kyle The Body Geek

I use science based coaching to help my clients achieve life changing results! No matter how busy or demanding your schedule is, you can get results with the right coaching.

To discover how I can help you transform your body, hit button below to book in a free call:


Just a few years ago my body, health and confidence hit an all-time low. 

Before covid hit, I was neglecting myself for my own business, spending every hour of the day behind a laptop, trying to achieve success.

On the outside it seemed as though I had a killer work ethic, but in reality, my productivity and focus was starting to hit rock bottom. I lost myself, my drive, my energy, and focus. 

It got to the point where I started to isolate myself, gain excess body fat and neglect my own business and relationships. This was the lowest I had ever been.

I went almost 2 years in this spiral before I managed to snap out of this. I knew I had to do one thing, which was to get back in shape. I had to fix my habits so that I would become the person I wanted to be again. 

I focused on my own body, health and performance and as a by-product, my business excelled, my relationships were healthy, and I finally felt confident again. 

It is now my mission to help those who are in the same position I was, turn their life around so that they look, feel, and perform their best.


Just a few years ago my body, health and confidence hit an all-time low. 

Before covid hit, I was neglecting myself for my own business, spending every hour of the day behind a laptop, trying to achieve success.

On the outside it seemed as though I had a killer work ethic, but in reality, my productivity and focus was starting to hit rock bottom. I lost myself, my drive, my energy, and focus. 

It got to the point where I started to isolate myself, gain excess body fat and neglect my own business and relationships. This was the lowest I had ever been.

I went almost 2 years in this spiral before I managed to snap out of this. I knew I had to do one thing, which was to get back in shape. I had to fix my habits so that I would become the person I wanted to be again. 

I focused on my own body, health and performance and as a by-product, my business excelled, my relationships were healthy, and I finally felt confident again. 

It is now my mission to help those who are in the same position I was, turn their life around so that they look, feel, and perform their best.

Why my programme delivers success for you & your goal.

Fully Custom Coaching

I create customised workout plans that fit your busy schedule and align with your unique goals. I use exercises that deliver maximum results, giving you the confidence to take on any challenge that comes your way. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all approaches and embrace a program tailored to your needs.

Freedom Nutrition System

I believe in the power of delicious food. My nutrition guidance is personalised to satisfy your sweet tooth, accommodate your love for convenience, and even welcome occasional takeaways. No more restrictive diets or feeling guilty about enjoying a treat. My flexible approach to nutrition allows you to make healthier choices without sacrificing the foods you love. 

Freedom Nutrition System

I believe in the power of delicious food. My nutrition guidance is personalised to satisfy your sweet tooth, accommodate your love for convenience, and even welcome occasional takeaways. No more restrictive diets or feeling guilty about enjoying a treat. My flexible approach to nutrition allows you to make healthier choices without sacrificing the foods you love. 

Your Support System

Embarking on a fitness journey can be challenging, both physically and mentally. That’s why my coaching program offers more than just workouts and meal plans. I’m your dedicated support system, cheering you on every step of the way. My emphasis on accountability helps you break through mental barriers, stay motivated, and achieve lasting results. Together, we’ll celebrate your progress and transform not just your physique but also your outlook on life.

Access to my Client Portal

You are busy working on your own success, but if you do have a thirst for knowledge, you will also have access to my education portal.

In the portal you can learn the theory behind what I will ask of you, some topics include:

  • Training
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset
  • Anatomy & Physiology

Once you complete your coaching, you will not need to invest in another coaching programme again.

Access to my Client Portal

You are busy working on your own success, but if you do have a thirst for knowledge, you will also have access to my education portal.

In the portal you can learn the theory behind what I will ask of you, some topics include:

  • Training
  • Nutrition
  • Mindset
  • Anatomy & Physiology

Once you complete your coaching, you will not need to invest in another coaching programme again.


Who is Online Coaching for?

Online Coaching is for anyone who is serious about transforming their body and getting the best results possible.

You will be coached and guided to achieve the best results in the most optimal way.

What Will I Learn During The Program?

A lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life with both intelligent training & nutrition.

You will receive video lessons of 3-5 minutes where I explain step by step what I do with you to get results.

What do I need to do the coaching?

All my coaching will be delivered via an app, so you will need to have a smartphone to follow and track workouts.

Can I build muscle while I lose fat?

Yes it is possible to gain muscle while dropping fat.

It is important that we use the correct training methods and intelligent nutrition so that we stimulate muscle growth, even in a calorie deficit.

Can I still eat out when on your coaching?

Yes you will still be able to eat out and have a social life.

I will teach you how you can have a flexible diet and still get awesome results.

How long does a transformation take?

The time it takes to achieve the body you want will vary depending on your starting point & goal.

Typical transformations will take 3 -6 months.

Hit the Apply for coaching button to book in a call with myself where we can talk through this.

What happens after the program?

Once you depart from the plan you will have all the knowledge needed to maintain your transformed physique as well as keep on improving.

I lack confidence, is this for me?

Lacking confidence or having gym anxiety can be a huge obstacle for a lot of people.

I implement strategies to help you overcome these speed bumps so that we can help you to become the person you want to be.

Will I feel hungry on the program?

When it comes to cutting body fat, we need to be in a calories deficit.

This can be quite challenging if you’ve had a period overeating and getting used to bigger portions.

If this is the case, there is no need to worry. 

We will implement strategies that will help you to feel fuller, even while cutting fat.


Who is Online Coaching for?

Online Coaching is for anyone who is serious about transforming their body and getting the best results possible.

You will be coached and guided to achieve the best results in the most optimal way.

What Will I Learn During The Program?

A lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life with both intelligent training & nutrition.

You will receive video lessons of 3-5 minutes where I explain step by step what I do with you to get results.

What do I need to do the coaching?

All my coaching will be delivered via an app, so you will need to have a smartphone to follow and track workouts.

Can I build muscle while I lose fat?

Yes it is possible to gain muscle while dropping fat.

It is important that we use the correct training methods and intelligent nutrition so that we stimulate muscle growth, even in a calorie deficit.

Can I still eat out when on your coaching?

Yes you will still be able to eat out and have a social life.

I will teach you how you can have a flexible diet and still get awesome results.

How long does a transformation take?

The time it takes to achieve the body you want will vary depending on your starting point & goal.

Typical transformations will take 3 -6 months.

Hit the Apply for coaching button to book in a call with myself where we can talk through this.

What happens after the program?

Once you depart from the plan you will have all the knowledge needed to maintain your transformed physique as well as keep on improving.

I lack confidence, is this for me?

Lacking confidence or having gym anxiety can be a huge obstacle for a lot of people.

I implement strategies to help you overcome these speed bumps so that we can help you to become the person you want to be.

Will I feel hungry on the program?

When it comes to cutting body fat, we need to be in a calories deficit.

This can be quite challenging if you’ve had a period overeating and getting used to bigger portions.

If this is the case, there is no need to worry. 

We will implement strategies that will help you to feel fuller, even while cutting fat.